Monday, April 27, 2009

My totals for the month so far....has it been worth it?

I just checked my totals for this month to see if all this work has been worth it. Well, I've purchased $886 worth of products for $205. That's a savings of 77%. So yes, I think it has been worth it. Wow, just think, that means that for every $1 I only paid .23 cents!

I've been reading Shop Smart, Save More by Teri Gault. Her website is She really encourages stockpiling. She says the goal is to shop from your own shelves when you need something and not from the store. She also says you shouldn't make a weekly meal plan and shop from that because then you will be buying a lot of things that aren't on sale. When you have a good enough stockpile, you can just pick what you need form off your own shelves knowing that you purchased them at a good discount. Sounds like a good idea to me.

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