Monday, February 28, 2011

CVS, too

I was going to wait until tomorrow to work CVS, but I have a whole bunch of P&G coupons from a booklet which expired today.

Started with and added my own.

Softsoap Body Wash, 15-18 oz - $2.99
$2 ECB WYB (1) ~ Limit 1
Net Price $0.99 each after ECB!

Crest or Oral-B Pro Health Toothpaste or Floss - $3.29
$3.29 ECB WYB (1) ~ Limit 2
$0.75/1 Crest Toothpaste 01/16/11 P&G Insert
$1/1 Crest Toothpaste--coupon booklet
Net Price $0.75 - $1 Money Maker after Coupons/ECB!

Dawn, 9.5- 10.3 oz - $0.94
$0.50/1 Coupon booklet
Net Price FREE - $0.44 each

Kashi  2/$6
$2.00 ECB WYB 2
$1/1 Kashi Cereal from
$1/1Kashi TLC bars or crackers off box
Final Price 2/$2 or $1 each

I paid $14.90 for $31.01 worth of items.  That's a savings of 52%. I earned $10.58 in Extra Care Bucks which made my final cost $4.32.  Final savings are 86%.

Back in the saddle again.

I know.  I've been lax.  Not really lazy.  Just "uber poor" as my DD has been singing around the house!

That's just sad.  Being too poor to coupon! 

I've also been really busy with my other blog

But I'm getting back in the saddle again!  I decided to start with Walgreens since I have a FREE 8 x 10 collage print waiting to be picked up. 

I looked over

Schick Hydro Razor System - $8.99
$6 RR WYB (1)
$2/1 Schick Hydro Razor 01/30/11 SS Insert
Net Price $0.99 each

Reach Total Care Toothbrush - $2.99
$1 RR WYB (1)
$1/1 mail coupon
Net Price $0.99 each

Motrin IB Pain Relief, 20 ct - $3
$6/2 Motrin PM, Tylenol Precise, Pepcid or Zyrtec 01/09/11 SS Insert
Net Price FREE

Blistex, 0.15 to 0.25 oz - $0.99
$0.35/1 Blistex Product 01/16/11 SS Insert
Net Price $0.64 each

Oh, and I also had to pick up some of Mike's gum which was on sale for $0.79 each.

So, here's the facts.  I paid $11 OOP for $33.02 worth of items including the FREE 8x10 collage print.  That's a savings of 66%.  I earned $7 in Register Rewards making my final cost $4 and my final savings 88%. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Butterflies Are Free (and so are a few other thing...

From my other blog...

Butterflies Are Free (and so are a few other thing...: "Free. I like free. I have a whole other blog based on my couponing and freebie search. I sign up for all kinds of free..."

Monday, February 21, 2011

Our Own Hanukkah Miracle

I recently posted this on a yahoo group in which I participate.  I thought my couponing (or lack of it, lately) would also be a good place to post it.  I originally posted this on Friday, Feb. 18.


I just really want to share something the Lord has done in a venue where it would be appreciated.

I was thinking of pasting it on my FB status but would be afraid people would take it too light-hearted.

Recently, we have had major money issues. That's not the miracle part.

My husband didn't get paid until today, so we were facing over a week with literally no money in the bank. In fact, he had to miss a day of work because of no gas. Not working when you need money is not ideal.

We've been praying. God did not send a might miracle to remove us from our circumstances. We went through ever minute. He did do a miracle none-the-less. It's almost like our own Hanukkah miracle.

Last Thursday, I KNEW for a fact that we only had enough food to make it through the weekend. Monday tops. I'm sitting here this Friday morning with a testimony of not only being able to feed my family for the weekend, but clear through this week.

Nay-sayers may think, "Well, you were just creative with what you had." You betcha, I was much more creative than I'd ever been before when it comes to food and that in part is the point..."more creative than I'd ever been." God provided us with the food to last and provided me with ways to use it to make the most of it.

I don't know what God has for us. But after a year when we've really been beat-up on so many levels, it was a blessing to see His Hand perform a personal Hanukkah miracle.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Confucius Says...

small fortune cookie"He who will not economize will have to agonize."
-- Confucius
[Kung Fu-tse] (551-479 B.C.)

Walgreens Emergency-style

Haven't been posting much because haven't had much to post.  Things have been extremely tight, so even have a few $$ to invest in couponing hasn't been happening.

milk gallonDid I mention things are REALLY tight?  So, when I looked at my $6.50 in Register Rewards and they were due to expire yesterday and it was 9:30 PM, I yelped.  Yup, literally yelped.  I was already in my pjs and since the van is broken and I can't drive the truck, I was left to ask Mike to make a run.  Considering our current circumstances, he understood the importance of not wasting $6.50!

I knew I would be pushing it too far to include coupons, so just pointing out a few sale items was going to it.

Even so, he got a good taste of the thrill of victory and some experience using Register Rewards.

The total retail was $12.77.  Mike paid $0.75.  That's a savings of 94%.  Not bad with only some sales and some RR.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Spelling City Here I Come

Mrs. Price is Right about Homeschooling: Spelling City Here I Come: " sends out emails all the time with a variety of things offered. This time I really looked and am pleasantly surprised. ..." Find out about a free spelling and vocabulary site.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1 sale a day---only hours left on PET PILLOWS

My daughter has been wanting a pillow pet since before Christmas.  I had thought to grab one for Valentine's Day.  They usually run about $20 but I just purchased one for $7!   Yup, for just a few more hours, you can get a pillow pet for only $1 plus shipping at .  That's a savings of 65%.  Actually, 95% if go by price of the item. The only catch is you don't get to select the one you want.  For a only $1, I don't care!