Monday, July 27, 2009

Price Chopper on Saturday

Made a Price Chopper run on Saturday morning. Surprisingly, it wasn't too busy. I had warned Micki that I was going to be taking some time thinking about things, and it wasn't until about the last 5 minutes she started asking, "Are we done yet?"

I'm not going to list everything I purchased, but I did make good use of the two Box Top for Education deals I mentioned below...I purchase 6 boxes of Hamburger/Chicken Helper and 9 boxes of Cheerios. That's what's called "stocking up." I was actually out of cereal, so the timing was great on that one.

I actually did a little better than usual for a grocery store run. My retail was $181. After coupons and sales, my OOP was 71.77 which is a savings of 60%. That means, I walked out of the store with $109 worth of groceries I didn't have to pay for. Wow, I like the thought of that!

Now, I've pulled off my 12 UPCs, circled the items on the receipt, printed up the form and am getting ready to send in for my 100 Box Tops. You may wonder why a homeschooler would care about Box Tops. Two words. Homeschool group.

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