Monday, November 9, 2009

2 Walgreens in 1 day

I don't feel like adding all the details today. Sorry. Remember, I usually get my deals from or, so feel free to check them out.

I was very sad on my first trip because I couldn't find the Register Rewards from my last trip! UGHHHH!!! Lost money, don't like that at all!

Oh, and the reason I went twice today is because Wags had a coupon for $5 off any purchase of $25 or more. Needless to say, I broke my shopping list into two smaller lists so that I could get $10 off vs just $5!

First visit, retail 35.26. After coupons and sales, my oop was 19.97 which is a 44% savings. They gave me $5 RR making my final price 15.97 which ended up meaning a 55% savings.

Second trip, my retail was 33.75 (see, I really did break both trips down pretty evenly!) I turned in the $5 from the AM and along with the coupons and sales, my total was 12.28. That's a savings of 64%. They gave me $10 RR back making my final price 2.28 which is a savings of 93%. That's more like it!

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