Thursday, June 16, 2011

Missing but not forgotten

I haven't been posting for awhile.  Life has been hectic, and God's given new challenges.  Last Wednesday, I found out I had Type II diabetes.  The next day my husband lost his job of 10 years.

Right now, the biggest challenge between the two is the diabetes.  This is because a lot of the wonderful deals I've gotten couponing in the past are things that I really shouldn't be eating now.   (Actually, I probably haven't ever, but that's another story.)

Think about it, even on Extreme Couponing, most of the coupons they use are for convenience and sugary food.  600 boxes of Fruity Pebbles and 400 containers of ramen noodles.

White sugar and flour....bad. 

Loss of job means less money.  Eating healthy costs more money.  See the dilemma?

I haven't given up.  Just have to work harder to score some deals.  I'll take you on the learning adventure with me.

And if you know of great ways to score coupons on the more healthy stuff, please, post it!

More later!


April said...

We really don't find eating healthy costs more. For cereal, we get oatmeal, normally at Aldi. Much healthier than the sugary stuff. Often for breakfast, I have an egg (we have our own hens) and OJ. That gives you 100% of the usda recommended breakfast minerals, vitamins and is low cal.

I usually cook 100% from scratch, including baking our own bread. I can buy a 50 lb bag of whole wheat flour for around $18--cheaper than the 4 or 5 lb bags of refined white flour, and healthier.

We garden, so have our own fresh fruits and veggies. Also, if you buy them by the bushel, you can save big from a local farmers market or amish farm.

We also raise our own pork and beef, as well as fish in our stocked ponds.

Betsy Price said...

Wow, April, you are quite the homesteader!!!

Unfortunately, living in 700 sq. ft. rented mobile home kind of limits our ability to store, grow, or raise.

We did go to the farmer's market last week and got some great deals.

But when you are used to getting processed foods for pennies on the dollar, jumping into wholesome food is more expensive.

Maybe I should find a friend like you that I could buy good stuff from!

Thanks so much for sharing. Please do so again!

April said...

You just need to get creative to find storage places!! I only clean with baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice. So, I don't store any cleaning supplies under my sink. In their place, I keep my gallon jugs of vinegar, syrup (once in awhile even Aldi has sugar free syrup in gallons, for less than the price of the grocery stores small bottle). Is there room under your beds? I have been known to keep canned goods under the beds. In the bottom of a closet, I once had concrete blocks holding a piece of plywood to create a sort of "false floor" or a shelf right above the floor. Shoes (as they were light weight) went on the shelf, while underneath I slid canned goods. My first house had a bath and a half. The half bath became a pantry. A friend of mine keeps her stash of extra paper goods in her car trunk. (TP, tissues and such). She never uses her trunk, has no kids to put stuff in there, so she views it as storage area!
Even in a rented small space, you can do container gardening for peppers, tomatoes, really about any vegetable, and those topsy turvy containers can be moved around--in fact you can even make your own out of a plastic bucket--just put the holes in it, dirt and plant. They even work for cucumbers and squash.

Betsy Price said...

Keep on preaching it to me, girlfriend!

Actually, I do have a small stockpile. I am a couponer after all! It used to be much larger, however, now, it's mostly toiletries and pharmacy items.

I do also get cleaning supplies for little or nothing usually, but your method sounds even cheaper and safer. Would you be willing to write a guest post on my blog with more details? Let me know. Sound fun!

April said...


Betsy Price said...

Sounds great, April. I'm looking forward to you sharing some of the great information you have on your blog. Shoot me and email and we set up the details!