Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Boycotting CVS

You all have seen how much I can make off of CVS, but I must now boycott it and hope you will join me.

In case you have not heard, a group called Color of Change decided they wanted to boycott Glenn Beck's show because in an interview on another show, he said that Obama was a Nazi and hated the white race. Color of Change then began pressuring companies to stop advertising during his show. CVS is one of the companies that crumbled under the pressure.

I'm not saying a person has to agree with Glenn Beck, but he has the right to free speech as much as anyone. I don't feel that CVS or any of the other companies have a right to attempt to limit a person's free speech. There are so many other shows on that are truly offensive that to choose Glenn Beck shows a definite political agenda.

I even called CVS Corporate offices to verify if this was true and the representative proudly told me that it was. I explained that it offended me that they were taking this stand and if they didn't want to offend anyone, they would end up not advertising at all since I'm sure everything they advertise on could offend someone.

And yes, I will also try to avoid the other companies as well. They are:
Sargento Cheese
Ally Bank
Broadview Security
Progressive Insurance
State Farm
Men's Wearhouse
S.C. Johnson
Procter & Gamble
Radio Shack
Healthy Choice (ConAgra)
Plavix (Sanofi-Aventis)
(Rumors also have included Walmart and BestBuy, but they are not validated at this point)
Please go to the companies listed and let them know how you feel about this issue. Again, to me the issue is not so much if I agree with Glenn Beck as much as it is protecting the right of free speech.
Go to for more information and updates.

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