Softsoap Body Wash, 15-18 oz - $2.99
$2 ECB WYB (1) ~ Limit 1
Net Price $0.99 each after ECB!
Crest or Oral-B Pro Health Toothpaste or Floss - $3.29
$3.29 ECB WYB (1) ~ Limit 2
$0.75/1 Crest Toothpaste 01/16/11 P&G Insert
$1/1 Crest Toothpaste--coupon booklet
Net Price $0.75 - $1 Money Maker after Coupons/ECB!
Dawn, 9.5- 10.3 oz - $0.94
$0.50/1 Coupon booklet
Net Price FREE - $0.44 each
Kashi 2/$6
$2.00 ECB WYB 2
$1/1 Kashi Cereal from Vocalpoint.com
$1/1Kashi TLC bars or crackers off box
Final Price 2/$2 or $1 each
I paid $14.90 for $31.01 worth of items. That's a savings of 52%. I earned $10.58 in Extra Care Bucks which made my final cost $4.32. Final savings are 86%.