The Proverbs 31 woman is a challenge to all of us. This blog is an attempt to apply "She is like the ships of the merchant; she brings her food from afar" (ESV) in my everyday life through couponing and money-savings tips. Here I share what I do and learn.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Free CroiSONIC sandwich

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
End of the month
I had to make a run to Walmart for a few things, so I realized I needed to pick up the May edition of All You magazine which then of course, made me think about my coupons (which is basically the only reason why I buy the magazine). I realized that April 30/May 1st was right around the corner, so I ran through my coupons to see what might be expiring and took those with me in order to see what I could still make a deal on. I didn't do too poorly. Keep in mind that the most of coupons I used were expiring within the next few days, so they wouldn't to much good. If I remember the link/insert, I list it just in case you want to run out tonight or tomorrow.
The picture is of my very best deals today.
- Wheat Thin Artisan crackers regularly $2/1. I had a coupon B1G1 making the final cost $1 each box. 3/15 SS (exp. 5/31)
- Pace Picante Sauce was 4.96 for a big 4lb bottle. I had a $4/1 coupon that had been a very temporary promotion online meaning that I got that big jar of salsa for only 96 cents!!
- The yogurt was the usual good deal from Walmart. Those 4 packs of yogurt were 2.08 each. I had $1/1 coupons so I got each 4 pack for $1.08.
- Thomas English Muffins have been "rolled down" to 1.97 a pack. With a $1 coupon from March 2009 edition of All You made it 97 cents.
- Cascade rinse was 3.13. I had a coupon to get it free! Do I have a dishwasher? No. But it was free!! I will turn it over to our church food pantry
- Betty Crocker muffin mix was .78 each. I had 2 coupons for .45 each making the final price 33 cents each. No, you can't do better than that at Aldi. :-)
- Old El Paso Taco mix was .68 each. I had a coupon for $1/2 Old El Paso items which made my total price .36 for both or .18 each mix.
So, note to self and any others who may listen in to my ravings, remember to check you coupons expiration dates and see what you can still use for a good deal before they expire. Oh, I also tried to do a good deed for others. If I found I item that was too expensive for my taste even with the coupon, I left it for others who may not be as picky as I am. (Yeah, like I'm willing to pay $2.50 for shampoo any more!)
Oh, BTW, out of those coupon items, the retail would have been 23.22. After the coupons, the total was 8.16 making my savings 65%. Not bad especially considering the fact that none of the items were on sale!
Free comic book--Sat., May 2
Monday, April 27, 2009
My totals for the month so far....has it been worth it?
I've been reading Shop Smart, Save More by Teri Gault. Her website is http://www.thegrocerygame.com/. She really encourages stockpiling. She says the goal is to shop from your own shelves when you need something and not from the store. She also says you shouldn't make a weekly meal plan and shop from that because then you will be buying a lot of things that aren't on sale. When you have a good enough stockpile, you can just pick what you need form off your own shelves knowing that you purchased them at a good discount. Sounds like a good idea to me.
A Steady 85% This week
Micki decided that we needed to do Walgreens first. My retail amount there was 50.91. My total after coupons and sales was 21.64. They gave me $14 in Register Rewards making my final total 7.64.
My deals for Walgreens were:
- Scotch packing tape on sale for .99 with a coupon from the ad (regularly 1.50). I also had coupons for .50/1 making my final price .49.
- Ecotrin was $2 and they gave you $2 register rewards....FREE.
- Got2B hair products were on sale 2/$10 but then you receive $5 in RR making the final price 2/$5. I had 2 coupons for $2/1 (http://got2b-production.s3.amazonaws.com/coupon.html ) making my final price 2 for $1!!
- Nivea body wash are 4.99 and they give you $5RR making it FREE!
I didn't see any Easy Saver Rebate books for May, so maybe they really are phasing that out. I also forgot to get the Rembrandt toothpaste that is also free after register rewards.
Went to CVS next. My retail was $108.49 and after sales, coupons and ECB $38.43. I received $22 in Extra Care Bucks making my final 16.43.
Some of my best deals were:
- Palmolive Dish Soap for .88. I had coupons for .35/1 which made my final price .53 each.
- All Laundry detergent is on sale for buy 1 at 7.49 get 1 free. I had managed to get $2/1 coupons while they were up briefly. I used both which means that I got the laundry detergent 3.49 for 2 or 1.75 each!
- Various speed stick deodorants on sale for 2/$5, but they give you $3 making the final price 2/$2. I had a coupon for .55 making my final price 2/$1.45 or .73 each.
They also offered a couple of deals that I took them up on. Buy $15 of certain cleaning products and receive $5 in ECB and buy $20 in certain medications/first aid products and get $10 back. I actually had to fight for this one. I was checking my receipt before I left and I hadn't received it. The cashier made me take everything out that should have earned me the ECB and she totaled it up and printed me up my $10 ECB. I didn't have to fight in a mean way after all, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. I did a really good job on this though. I actually purchased a little over $20 but after coupons, my total was 16.87. Then they gave me that $10 ECB meaning that I paid 6.87 for over $20 worth of products.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
A couple of ways to save money
But we are finding out there are many more benefits with banking at Bank of America. They also have a program "Museums on Us." You receive free general admission to participating museums on the first full weekend of the month. Check out the details at http://museums.bankofamerica.com/
Also, I saw this on BargainBriana. The magazine "All You" available at Walmart is a favorite of couponers because of the number of coupons. They even have a list in the back of their magazine of the coupons and the their pages. Anyway, coming up this weekend, there will be All You booth's at many Walmarts and they will be giving out free samples and stuff. Check out http://www.allyou.com/static/yesyoucan/index.html for the when and where.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Walgreens on Earth Day
One of the benefits of the coupon was that you received a free re-usable shopping bag. WooHoo! Another shopping bag. Now I just need to remember to take them to the store when I when I shop.
Well, I purchased 33.48 worth of stuff and after sales and coupons my total was 11.98. But that's not what I paid. I still had 8.05 left on my Wags Gift Card I received from last months Easy Saver Rebates, so my OOP was 3.93. I saved 82%.
I did make a Kmart run, but it didn't produce much. All the shelves are so picked over and empty. They're supposed to be getting a truckload tomorrow. I've also heard that the other Kmart in town is still very well stocked. Hmmmm. Wait or go to the other side of town....or both!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Wags official earth day sale!!
It's official!!! I received this directly from Walgreens. Make sure to get your coupon at http://www.walgreens.com/dmi/onlineoffers/default.html?ec=hn1016rs_getcoupon .
Also, notice you need to check out at photo or cosmetics registers only.
Working the Rebates
Again, I'm new at this. Of course, the easiest rebate right now is the Wags Easy Saver Rebates. You can even enter those on line. If you request your rebate via Wags gift card instead of cash you get 10% more, so I should be getting $15 reloaded on my Wags gift card. Now I've heard this whole program is being ended this month, but I haven't heard any details about any new programs.
I'm sending in one of receipts from Kmart to the Glamour Platinum Rewards where I'm supposed to get a $25 gift card for Kmart. For more details check out http://bargainsbythebagfull.blogspot.com/2009/04/k.html .
I also am sending in another rebate for $5 in coupons. Check it out here: http://www.greattastebigsavings.com/ receipts need to be dated by 5/5, so you actually still have some time if you want to get in on this one. It includes Duncan Hines, Vlasic, Log Cabin, Mrs. Buttersworth, and Armour mix and match.
Last Night's Wags & CVS run
I've been getting so much free make-up that I'm going to start wearing make-up daily to use it! And some of the make-up is actually organic or made for sensitive skin (since I have rosacea, that's a consideration for me.)
At Wags, I purchased 18.47 worth of stuff for 3.98. Then I received $2 RR making my final price 1.98, an 89% savings.
I bought 28.25 worth of stuff for 1.26. Then they gave me $4 ECB which means in the end they gave me 2.74 for taking 28.25 worth of stuff. I also received a $5 off a purchase of $25 or more coupon.
Oh, my friend Rachel did awesome at Kmart. I'm so proud of her and jealous as well. She bought $62 worth of stuff for ...drum roll... .37. Yes, 37 cents. The lady behind her was so impressed that is paid the .37 for her. So, you see, I still have a lot to learn! :-)
Monday, April 20, 2009
Kmart Blue Light Special!!!!
Go to: http://hip2save.blogspot.com/2009/04/kmart-double-coupon-deals-419-425.html
There you will see a link for $5 off $50....make sure to hand that in first before you turn in the rest of your coupons. This Blog also has a wonderful list of things you can get at Kmart with what coupons.
But supposedly that's not it. Glamour Magazine is offering a a $25 Kmart gift card for every $50 receipt you turn in. You can check out the details on this one at http://bargainsbythebagfull.blogspot.com/2009/04/k.html . I've seen this info. on several blogs/websites, so I'm going to assume it's true. After all, it's only going to cost me a stamp to mail in my receipt.
I went to Kmart twice today because there is a 25 coupon limit per visit. Between my 2 visits I bought $133 in merchandise for only $31 which is a savings of 77%. Some of the things I got included cereal, juice, shampoo, razors, and candles. Oh, a tons of deodorant.
We are so stocked up on shampoo, body wash and deodorant, but when I can get those items for under a $1 each, I can't help but buy more! It's too good to pass up.
Yes, I'm probably going to go through my coupons and go back to Kmart again this week. I haven't even dealt with CVS & Wags yet!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
CVS and Price Chopper run
At CVS, my retail was 11.77 and after sales, coupons, and Extra Care Bucks, my OOP was .99. BUT CVS gave me 5.99 back in ECB meaning that they paid me $5.00 to take 11.77 worth of products out of their store.
- Pert Shampoo on sale 2/$5. They give you $2 in ECB making the final price 2/$3. I had 2 coupons for $1/1 making my final price 2/$1. I paid .50 for a bottle of Pert shampoo which is regularly priced at 3.69 which makes it a savings of 86% savings on those items.
- Purchased their Colgate toothpaste which is 3.99 and then they give you 3.99 ECB making it free.
On to Price Chopper. Retail was 42.67. After sales and coupons my OOP was 17.81 making my savings 58%.
- Ragu was on sale for 1.25 each and I had 3 coupons for .30 off making my final price .95 each but I bought 4 because if your purchased 4 you got 2 packs of 24 oz American Beauty spaghetti for FREE.
That was $3 in free pasta. I think I could afford buying on of the Ragu's for 1.25 to save $3.
- Lipton/Knorr side dishes are on sale for .79 each. I had a coupon for .75/2 meaning that I got one for .04.
- Softsoap Liquid hand soap on sale for $1 each. Had a coupon for .35/1 making the final price .65.
- Some McCormick's spices were on sale for 1.50. I had a coupon for $1/1 making the final price .50. Final savings of 77%.
I was nice to actually score some "real" food although saving money on things like granola bars, yogurt, shampoo, etc is VERY nice. Mike isn't that surprised anymore unless I save less than 50%...what pressure!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Earth Day Sale at Walgreens
Monday, April 13, 2009
My usual weekly Wags & CVS run
Things seemed a little slim for both this week, but I still did really well for what I got. Oh, I'm not probably going to be albe to list all my coupon sources, but you can find most of them on bargainbriana.com or afullcup.com
First this week was CVS. My total retail was 58.18 and after sales & coupons my total was 25.47. I received 10.49 in extra care bucks back which makes my final OOP 14.98. That's a savings of 74%.
- Some of Kellogg's cereals are on sale for $2 each. I had coupons for .75/1 making the final price for each 1.25. Again cheaper than Aldi's since their cereal runs about 1.50 a box.
- Pantene items are on sale for 2/7.00 with an extra care bucks for $2 when you buy two, so the final price is 2/5.00. I had coupons from 3/15 P&G inserts for buy a shampoo and conditioner get a hair style product for free. So, I purchased 6 items which means it was $21 then I had two coupons which made it $14. Then I received $6 in extra bucks making the final price $8 or 1.33 each.
OK, time for wonderful Walgreens. I hope the new program they come up with will work as well as this current one. My retail was 21.44 and after coupons & turning in RR's, my final price was 4.75. BUT I didn't pay that. I had a Wags gift card from my Easy Saver Rebates which means I paid nothing. But that wasn't enough, no, they also gave me $2 more in RR's which means Wags paid me $2 to take over $20 worth of merchandise!
- Chex Mix is on sale for .99. I had a coupon for .50/1 off one making the final price .40.
- Scunci elastics are $2 for a pack of 18. You get $2.00 in RR back so in the end they are free.
I still need to go to CVS again to see if they have Pert & Raisin Bran back in stock. Here's a helpful hint. If you want food items that are on sale at CVS or Wags, go as early in the week as you can because they don't always have a lot of each food item nor do they always restock those items.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Getting paid to take things from the store isn't bad.
Went to HyVee first. The facts are that I bought 14.79 for 7.95. That's a savings of 54%. Micki's job was to write down the numbers I told her and write down the sums I gave her after I counted out the answer with her. See, homeschool goes to the grocery store.
- I planned to purchase some Betty Crocker Potato mixes that were on sale for 1.18. I had a coupon for .40/1, BUT when I got there, they actually had some boxes with peelie coupons for $1/2 which means I saved .50 off each. The final cost was .68 each. Aldi's regular price for the same kind of item is .96, so I got it 30% cheaper than Aldi.
- Birdseye vegetables on sale for .88. I had a .35 coupon on each, so the final price for each was .53.
Then we went to Walmart. Micki took things in her own hands and started writing down prices of her choosing, so it wasn't that helpful to me, but still educational and fun for her. Oh, you wanted to know what I did with coupons, huh? Well first, let me explain that Walmart can be a little challenging because the prices are different in different areas, so while I might gain some things from the list on Becentsable.net, I may not get some of the items since the price may be more here and not worth it.
At Walmart, I purchased 25.73 and ended up paying 7.51. That's a 71% savings. What was also cool was that the man behind me was VERY impressed with what he saw me do and asked me for imformation and websites so he can share it with his wife.
- Knorr Rice or Pasta mixes (they used to be Lipton) were priced at .98 which is about the same as the same item at Aldi, but I had a coupon for .75/2 from Ss 4/15 which made them about .50 each. That's 49% cheaper than Aldi.
- Quaker Rice cakes sell for 1.66 each. My coupon from 3/29 was for 1.00/1 making my final price .66 each. They are 1.29 at Aldi. I saved 49% off Aldi's price.
- Dannon Activa was regularly 2.00 and I had a 1.00 coupon making the final price for the yogurt 1.00.
- Yoplait Kids yogurt sells for 2.27. I had a coupon for 1.50, so my final price is .77. 66% savings.
- Yo-Plus yogurt is 1.98. Had a 1.00/1 coupon from coupons.com, so final price was .98
- Rimmel Mascara is 6.47. The April edition of All You Magazine which is sold at Walmart has a coupon for a free Rimmel Sexy Curves Mascara, so that means it was free
Finally ran back to Walgreens for those Speed Stick deoderants that I saw on sale for $1 each. I a coupons from 3/29 SS for .75/2 which means I got those for around .62 each. Aldi's deoderant is 1.89 each which means what I bought today was 67% cheaper than Aldi's. I also picked up one of the Colgate toothpastes that give you 3.50 RR back. So, my total retail was 7.49 and it ended up being 5.99 after coupons. I turned in $5.00 worth of Register Rewards making my final price .99, but wait remember they were going to give me 3.50 for that toothpast I purchased which means Walgreens ended up paying me 2.51 to get deoderant and toothpaste!
One of the things that I have learned is that you can't used RR to purchase the same thing and get more register rewards. For instance, I had a 3.50 Register Rewards that I received from my toothpaste purchase last time. I couldn't use it this time if I wanted to receive the RR for the toothpaste this time.
I don't think I'll be doing any shopping tomorrow, so my next opportunity will be Monday after we get the papers on Sunday.
Get a free Precious Places DVD from Mattel
Get a FREE Precious Places DVD from Mattelhttp://forums.slickdeals.net/showthread.php?t=1289275&p=18688403&highlight=Free#post18688403
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Unplanned trip to Wags--savings w/o coupons
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
3 Trips...first time with double coupons.
So, at Hen House I bought 38.20 retail for 14.61 after sales and rebates making a 58% savings.
- Pillsbury Crescent roll were on sale for 1.49, and I had a coupon for .35/1 which was doubled for .70 making the final price .79. The coupons were on coupons.com...remember, you can score a double benefit if you go to coupons.com through mypoints.com.
- Kraft dressing was on sale for 1.48. In SS 3/29, there was a coupon for 1.50/1 meaning that I got paid .02 for each of the dressings I purchased.
I needed to get some prescriptions refilled. I had a coupon for a $10 gift card at Kmart for a new transfer script that was in the paper last Sunday 4/5. I filled one of the prescriptions that I don't need that frequently and got my $10 gift card. I used it in part to purchase some Quaker granola bars that were on clearance for 1.49 so I scored those for free.
When I left Kmart, I went Price Chopper to get the rest of my prescriptions and pick up a few things, of course. I purchased 6.17 worth of items for 2.28 which makes a 63% savings.
- McCormick food coloring is regularly 4.19 but on sale for 2.00 for Easter. I got a coupon for $1/1 from coupons.com making it 1.00.
- Duncan Hines cake mix is on sale for .99. this is the kind of cake mix I like to use when I decorate a cake. There were coupons in SS 3/29 for .35/1 making the final price .64
I plan to go back to Price Chopper, hopefully tomorrow. There was a shopping cart half full of deodorant on clearance for 2.00 each. I'm checking out my coupons after I get off here! Mike & I will never have stinky armpits again...I know, too much information. :-)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Nature's Best Deal at Babies R Us
This Friday, April 10th, Babies R Us will be having a sale on some of the Earth's Best Organic baby products.
- Buy 2 Nature's Best TenderCare diapers and get 1 Free.
- Earth's Best Organic Jarred Baby Food--#1 Beginner Foods and #2 Vegetable, Fruits, & Blends 10/$5 and #3 Chunky Blends Junior Foods 10/$10
But if you go to http://www.earthsbest.com/promos/promos.php?cat=coupon to sign up at Earth's Best, you can get a $1/10 coupon and print it 3 times. That would mean you can get the jarred food for .40 or .90 each, and it's a great organic brand.
Follow up shopping
My retail total at Walgreens was 15.27. After sales and Qs, my total was 8.47. I turned in 5.50 in Register Rewards, so I ended up paying 2.97. They gave me $2 RR for my purchases today, so my total was .97. That's a 94% savings, but that's not all. I will get a rebate for 1.49, so in the end Wags will pay me .52 for taking $15 worth of merchandise from their store.
- I purchased a small package of One A Day Energy Advantage for 1.49 and will get 1.49 Easy Saver rebate meaning it will be free.
- Wags has Chapstick Naturals and Shimmers up for RR this month, so you purchase one for 1.99 and you get a RR for $2, so the Chapstick is free.
Ok, on to CVS. Good thing for me that they are right across the street from each other! My retail total at CVS was 61.96. After sales and coupons my total was 27.98. I gave them 15.48 in Extra Bucks I paid 12.50 which was an 80% savings.
- CVS has Revlon makeup items on sale for B1G1. I had 2 coupons from SmartSource 2/15 for $2/1 and $1/1. My total for 2 sets of eyeshadow was 3.99 instead of 13.98 which is a 71% discount.
- CVS brand Glucosamine and Chondroitin was also on sale for B1G1 which means I paid 23.99 instead of 47.98 which of course is a 50% savings.
So, that was my follow up shopping. Tomorrow the grocery ads come out, so hopefully that will give me some more oportunities.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Did better at Wags than I thought I would.
- Fiber 1 cereal was on sale 3/$7 making each box 2.33. I had two coupons for $1 off and one coupon for .75. That makes the final price for the boxes 1.33 for two and 1.58 for the one.
- Edge Infused Energy Shaving Cream. 2.99. Received $3 in RR making it free.
- Colgate Total Advanced toothpaste. $3.49 and you receive $3.50 RR making it free, BUT I also had a coupon for 1.50 meaning Walgreens ended up paying me 1.50 to take the toothpaste.
- Oust spray. On sale for 2.99 and has on ESRebate for $1 each making the price 1.99. I had a coupon for $2 off making it free. The coupon for Oust is found in SmartSource 3/29.
Well, those are my highlights from Wags for this evening. I'm going back for more shaving cream and toothpaste and maybe some more toilet paper. I'm also going to check out their B1G1 Nature Made vitamins. I'm also going to head back to CVS for B1G1 free makeup. I'll get it free because I'll pay for it with my Extra Bucks.
$2 coupon on All.....TODAY ONLY
by Bargain Briana on April 6, 2009
If you tweet with me, you would already know about $2 off 1 coupon from All Smll and Mighty. It will only be available until 11pm EST today (4/6/09). After 11 pm, it will magically turn into a $1 off 1 coupon - which is still good!
Click the back button after printing to be able to print TWICE! It doesn’t expire until 5/6/09 so this gives us plenty of time to find a sale. With either a Buy 1 Get 1 Free Sale or $2.99 sale, this will make this laundry detergent CHEAP!
In additional to the $2 off coupon, you can print off a .40/1 any 2x Ultra Laundry Detergent coupon while you are there.
CVS 4/6/09
My total retail at CVS today was 82.73. After sales and coupons, my total was 49.37. I received 15.48 back in extra bucks making my final total 33.89 which is a 59% savings.
- Glade was on sale for .99 with the Extra Care Card. I had a B1G1 coupon which means I purchased two for only .50 each. The coupon was in Smartsource 3/15.
- Huggies was on sale for $10 for a jumbo pack (don't get any ideas, they're for my little niece). Anyway, CVS was offering $10 extra bucks if you purchased at least $25 in certain baby products. Three Huggies cost me $30. I had 3 coupons for $3 each which brought the price down to $21 and then I received the $10 extra bucks which made my final total $11 for 3 packs of diapers. That's .14 for each diaper.
- Skintimate shaving cream is on sale for 3.49 BUT they are giving you 3.49 back in Extra bucks so it's free!
- Dawn was on sale for .99. I had a coupon for .25 off from P&G insert 4/5 which made each one .74.
Bought a few other things as well, but the above items were the best ones.
Something Old. Something New.
One of the sources is http://www.coupons.com/. BUT one way of making an even better deal from coupons.com is to sign up for http://www.mypoints.com/. With MyPoints, you can earn points and redeem them for rewards (I just received a $50 Lowe's gift card.) One way you earn points is by receiving emails and clicking the link. Now, you can click through MyPoints to get the printable coupons from coupons.com. You can earn 10 points for every coupon you print and redeem. That's a double bonus, money off your purchase AND points to redeem for gift certificates.
The new thing I found is called swagbucks. You get swagbucks for doing searches through their site and promoting it to other people and then you redeem them for gift certificates as well. Their search engine uses Google. If you'd like to sign up and try this like I'm doing, please use this link http://swagbucks.com/?cmd=sb-register&rb=444768 so that I can earn some swagbucks! :-)
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Wow, someone wants my help!
As far as coupons, each week take the Sunday inserts and mark the date on the front. Most also then take all the inserts from that week and put them in a folder marked with the date. You do that each week. Then when you access all the websites that find a lot of the deal for you and they refer to .75/1 from RP 2/8, you know the coupon is for .75 off one item and is found in the Red Plum insert form Feb. 8.
Word on the street is that Walgreens will be ending their current Easy Saver program this month, and it thought that their new program will be somewhat similar to CVS, but we don't know for sure yet, so I will share the basics as they are now.
First, you need to sign up for their Extra Care Card which is just like any other store card. You save money two ways. First, throughout the weekly ads, you see items that state things like "extra bucks reward $1.00." Extra bucks is basically a store gift certificate you receive on your cash register receipts. The real savings comes when you add extra bucks and coupons. Example: Item A is $2.50. I have a coupon for .75 making the item 1.75. CVS is offering $1 Extra bucks meaning that in the end, I pay .75 for the item. The second way to save with the Extra Care Card is they give you a rebate of what you spent at the end of each quarter.
BargainBriana does an awesome job of explaining the whole program at http://bargainbriana.com/drug-store-deals/cvs/cvs-101/
Walgreens (Wags)
Walgreens does not currently have a card program. They do have the Easy Saver coupons/rebate booklets that they always keep at the front of the store.
These include coupons that can be combined with regular manufacturers coupons for extra savings. Also, it includes rebates on various items, so if purchase the item on sale with a coupon and then send in for the rebate, you can save a lot.
Also, Wags currently has register rewards which are $$ printed at the end of your sale like CVS's Extra bucks. You'll see items listed in the sales ads noting "less rebate amount" or "Register Rewards good no next purchase."
Again, BargainBriana does a great job describing this program as well. http://bargainbriana.com/drug-store-deals/walgreens/walgreens-101/
Oh, and make sure to check the ads out yourself because sometimes, I find deals that they might miss out on because I've found extra coupons on the Internet or something. One excellent resource for finding out where there are coupons are http://www.acupful.com/. They have a database you can search.
So the big benefit of the sales at both CVS and Wags is that in addition to sales and coupons, you can get money back which increases your savings.
You can find the current CVS and Wags deals at http://www.bargainbriana.com/, http://www.becentsable.net/.
Please feel free to ask me any questions if you don't get the answer you need between me and Bargainbriana. I'll tell you what I know!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Even Couponing on shoes, now.
I received a register coupon from Wags for 20% off my purchase at Payless Shoesource. We need Easter shoes you know. So, went to Payless and bought 60.97 retail worth of shoes for 38.38 after sales and Qs. That's a 37% savings. I don't know about you, but I can use all the savings I can get.
And to think, if I hadn't be couponing at Wags, I wouldn't have recieved the coupon and only saved 21%! And of course, I got some coupons on the bottom of my Payless receipt. One of them doesn't even have an experation date.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
My grocery store stops & comparing prices to Aldi
At Price Chopper my retail costs would have been 19.64. After the sales and coupons, my total was 7.99 making my savings 60%.
Best deals for me:
- Chex cereal. On sale for 2/$4, I had coupons for .75 off, so I got each box for 1.25. Aldi's Chex brand is 2.19 meaning a 43% savings over Aldi.
- Fanta Orange soda 8pk. Was 3.79 but I had Micki signed up for Kids Chopper Club, so this months free gift was....an 8 pk of Fanta Soda. It was free.
- Velvetta was on sale for 3.79 and I had a Q for .55, so my final price was 3.24. Aldi's price for their Velvetta is 3.49. Ok, so that' s only a 7% savings, but it's a savings none the less.
- Danimals was on sale for 2/$4. I had a coupons for $1/1, so the total was $1 which is a 50% savings. I go the coupons from http://www.fullcup.com/ 's data base.
I actually saved quite a bit a HyVee using their coupons from their sales add. I only had 3 other coupons besides those. I purchased 17.52 retail and paid 8.37 after sales and coupons. That makes my savings 52%.
- Dole salad was .69 with a store coupon. Aldi's salad runs .99. 30% savings over Aldi.
- HyVee Spaghetti was .69 with store coupon. Aldi's spaghetti is sold in 2 lbs box for 1.69 making 1 lb of theirs .85. 19% savings over Aldi.
- Boneless porkchops on sale for B1G1 with a store coupon.
- Betty Crocker frosting was on sale for 1.48. I had coupons for .55 off from the Betty Crocker website and coupons.com, so my price was .93. Aldi's frosting is 1.09. 15% savings over Aldi.
Hyvee also has C&H sugar on sale for 1.48. I had a .3o Q from 3/15 RP which was going to make my price 1.18. (They were out when I went, so I got a rain check.) Aldi's sugar is 1.54. I will be getting a 23% savings over Aldi.
So, yes, you can save money over Aldi. Not all the time, not all items. But, if you stock up when you get the deals, then you can save more money over time.
So, here ends this days couponing saga.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Got this from Bargain Briana

(Thanks Sisterly Savings!)
How does 43.45 in products for only 4.96 sound?
First, Walgreens. Retail: 22.23. After coupons and sales: 16.46. I gave them $15 in RR which I've received previously which means I paid 1.46 which is a 93% savings. But wait! One of the items I purchased has a $10.00 Easy Saver Rebate through Wags which means in the end, Wags will pay me $8.54 for taking $22.23 worth of items out of their store!!!!
My deals at Wags:
- Last time I was there, I saw some Pringles on clearance for .89 a can. I had a coupon for $1.00/2. They wouldn't give me full value but only .89 on each coupon, but that still made each can of Pringles only .45 each can.
- I got my free SoftSoap body wash with my coupon from the one I bought last time so it was free.
Now, my venture into Target. I was a little disappointed because I didn't realize that it wasn't a Super Target (since I never go there), so there were some things I didn't get. My retail was 4.67 after coupons, my total was .81. That's an 83% savings. All the coupons I used here were Target coupons which I got at http://www.afullcup.com/target-coupon-generator . This site also has an awesome coupon research base.
So, as I said, I think I did very well today! I hope school goes as well after nap!